Anything But Boring!
By Brian Sharp
I’ve said to my congregation many times over the years that if your Christian life is boring, you’re not living it right. God’s written Word is the most non-boring book ever written and its author is the antithesis of dull.
The theme our new President, Phil Ellsworth, has declared for this coming Convocation reflects this truth – “Adventure Awaits.” I couldn’t agree more. You will never convince me that as the disciples followed Jesus around witnessing His miracles, observe him engaging His critics, feeling the power of His love and grace, seeing His crucifixion (albeit from a distance), and then experience their
resurrected Savior first hand, that they would call their life boring.
Several years ago, Christian music artist, Steven Curtis Chapman, wrote and recorded a song called “The Great Adventure,” and although the song is somewhat dated (1992), I think it expresses what our president is desiring for us to grasp. I’ll only reference verses one and three.
[Verse 1]
Started out this morning in the usual way. Chasing thoughts inside my head of all that I had to do today. Another time around the circle, try to make it better than the last. I opened up the Bible and I read about me. Said I've been a prisoner and God’s grace has set me free. Somewhere between the pages it hit me like a lightning bolt
I saw a big frontier in front of me, and I heard somebody say, "Let's go"
Saddle up your horses we've got a trail to blaze
Through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace
Let's follow our leader to the glorious unknown
This is the life like no other, woah, woah, this is the great adventure
[Verse 3]
We'll travel over all the mountains so high; we'll go through valleys below. Still through it all we'll find that this is the greatest journey the human heart will ever see, the love of God will take us far beyond our wildest dreams
John tells us, Jesus did countless things that I haven’t included here. And if every one of his works were written down and described one by one, I suppose that the world itself wouldn’t have enough room to contain the books that would have to be written! (John 21:25 TPT).
Then Apostle Paul comes along reminding us that, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God (I Corinthians 2:9-10 NKJV).
Because of its importance, Paul hits this topic again in Ephesians 3:20 as he exhorts us to, Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you (TPT).
Combine these three Scriptures, along with countless others, and we’ve got the recipe for one extremely great adventure serving our extremely great God! Only one question remains: Are you, am I, up for the challenge?