Meet Life Head On
I read a devotional by Joyce Meyer the other day and it really ministered to me. Many of the calls we get here at New Life are for prayer, counseling, and to help people find a good church. All of them are from people who are dealing with the issues of life.
Everyone has life challenges. Some people are are completely overwhelmed, while other refuse to give up.
The devotional I read posed this question, do you want to be able to meet all challenges head on and overcome them? I do! I do not want to be crippled by every life challenge that comes along.
Here are some of the things mentioned in that devotional and I am encouraged to begin this new year putting these things into practice. We must get mentally prepared.
According to Colossians 3:2, one of the ways to be prepared for these challenges is to set your mind and keep it set! I have repeated this phrase over and over again for many years, "I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ." This keeps my mind set in the right
direction. Remember, where the mind goes, the man will follow.
Do not allow yourself to think thoughts such as, I just can't take it any longer or if one more thing happens I will go over the edge.
You have authority over your thinking. II Corinthians 10:5 tells us to cast down every thought and imagination, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
There is nothing strong or powerful in thinking you will go over the edge or deciding to quit. Your thoughts and words have power. Speak things like, I have the mind of Christ and this trial is going to work out for my good.
Be a person who is mentally prepared for any challenge that crosses your path. Do not allow yourself to be easily discouraged and defeated. Always remember that apart from Jesus you can do nothing!