From " Connect With God Devotional-Jentezen Franklin"
On The Other Side Of The Wall
Everything God promised to Joshua was on the other side of Jericho's wall. From that we learn two important things:
(1) Your blessing is on the other side of your problem!
The land will be yours once the wall comes down. And it will, for Jesus is your enemy -exposing, strategy-giving, wall-toppling conqueror.
(2) You've got to fight for it!
You're not fighting in your own strength, and you're not fighting alone. You ask, "What can I do?" (a) Realize that victory begins on your knees. Everything changed when Joshua prayed, "What saith my lord unto his servant?" (Jos 5:14). God has a plan, and He'll reveal it to you of you seek Him. (b) The enemy has no defense against God's Word. Three different times
Jesus used The Word to "face him down." After the third time we read, "The devil leaveth Him and...angels came and ministered unto Him" (Mt 4:11). If your stand outlasts the enemy's, he'll flee, and God will send in reinforcements!
Paul says we are to, "Withstand in the evil day" (Eph 6:13). Note, your enemy only has a day; his time will soon be over. Don't give up when you are just moments away from victory, or inches from the prize. What would have happened if Joshua had quit on the third or forth time around the walls?
KEEP GOING!! Your blessing is waiting--on the other side of the wall!